Pat Metheny "Bright Size Life"

ECM 1073   827 133-2

Album coverPat Metheny 6-string guitar, electric 12-string guitar
Jaco Pastorius bass
Bob Moses drums

1 Bright Size Life 4:43
2 Sirabhorn 5:25
3 Unity Village 3:38
4 Missouri Uncompromised 4:13
5 Midwestern Nights Dream 5:58
6 Unquity Road 3:33
7 Omaha Celebration 4:16
8 Round Trip/Broadway Blues* 4:58

All composed by Pat Metheny
*Round Trip/Broadway Blues by Ornette Coleman

Published by Pat-Meth Music, BMI
*by Phrase Text Music, ASCAP

Recorded December 1975 at Tonstudio Bauer, Ludwigsburg
Engineer: Martin Wieland
Cover Photograph: Rainer Kiedrowski
Layout: Dieter Bonhorst
Produced by Manfred Eicher

An ECM-Production

1976 ECM Records GmbH
ECM Records, Gleichmannstr. 10, 8000 München 60

Pat MethenyI first met Pat Metheny a few years ago in Wichita, Kansas, while hanging around backstage waiting for a concert to begin. Pat introduced himself and said he was from Lee's Summit, Missouri. He also said he knew most of my group's tunes and wanted to sit in... (reaction: is he kidding? this kid who looked about fourteen, all smile, teeth everywhere... there in the middle of Kansas?). Then, he proceeded to say how one of my early records (with Bob Moses, in fact), had first influenced him to take up the guitar and try jazz music. A great compliment, of course, but I was still sceptical and feeling older by the minute. But, after I heard him, I had to admit he played pretty well; an incredible blend of Missouri, hip, chops, and all those teeth.

Well, you just can't help liking this kid, and he is persistant. He kept turning up, one place or another, and soon, Pat moved to Boston... guitar heaven, or the opposite, depending on your viewpoint (there are more guitarists in Boston than anywhere on earth).

It was impossible to resist the opportunity, so as soon as we stumbled on to the combination of electric 12-string guitar along with our regular, guitar-oriented quartet, we became a two-guitar quintet. That was two years ago when Pat was nineteen, and it also marked the first meeting of Pat with Bob Moses, who had rejoined our group at that time. Since then, Pat's already impressive talent has been growing wonderfully, knocking out everyone wherever we go.

Unknown to me until recently, Pat's counterpart on bass, Jaco Pastorius, an equally startling young player and a true innovator on electric bass, had already met up with Pat (during some time spent in Florida). Because of the similarity of their respective talents, they're a great match, and over the past year, their occasional trio gigs around the east coast have really developed their playing rapport, as is apparent in this recording.

The third force in this trio is Bob Moses, the drummer from our quintet, and a long-time friend. The personal friendship between Moses and Pat since they began playing together is another big plus for the music, of course, and I can't say enough about how much we all admire Bob's playing,... his originality and ability to support everything that goes on are among the things that he does superbly.

I personally feel this is a great record and recommend it to everyone. It's positive and hot and simply excellent.

Gary Burton
Stuttgart, Dec. 21, 1975

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